D) to divide former Ottoman and German territories among Allied Powers
The World War I ended with a win of the Allies. This mean that they also managed to get their hands on the territories that were occupied by the Germans and the Ottomans until then. The territories in question were in the Middle East and in Africa. The Mandate System was practically having the purpose of the Allies to make an agreement as to who will take which territory under their control in the name of the League of Nations, thus dividing the territories in accordance to their interest in a peaceful manner.
The Battle of Saratoga was vital to the Revolutionary War because of its strategic location. The British thought taking the river would split New England away from the rest of the colonies, isolating the problem. Another reason why this battle was important was because of the the river being upstream from New York City, supplies could be shipped up and down the river. Another reason the Battle of Saratoga was an important win was because of how it destroyed Johnny Burgoyne's army.
The Justinian Code forms part of the Corpus Juris civilis. Published on April 7, 529, the Justinian Code was drawn up under the Byzantine emperor Justinian by a commission of imperial officials and professors of law schools, chaired by the jurist Tribonien.
It comprises several laws regarding taxes, religion, private relations, crime and legal proceedings, among others. Compared to the previous rules, the Justinian Code is characterized by the fact that the emperor becomes the sole source of law: the emperor alone is invested with the right to impose the rules of law such as injunctions or commandments, this right being withdrawn from the magistrates.