My mother tongue is Spanish and the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet are the traditional dresses wearing in our family.- The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings etc. San Juan also known as Saint John's Day that occur every year on the eve of the 23rd of June, Spain celebrates the arrival of summer and the birth of St John the Baptist.
Alcohol has positive as well as negative effects on the healthy lifestyle of a person. People used it as a depressant. Alcohol slows down the activity of a person. The effect of alcohol depends on consumer capacity. Most of the people take it for enjoyment or loosen up the stress. When a person consumes alcohol more than capacity, it leads to the depressant. A person starts to lose control over things. More than capacity, if someone consuming the alcohol leads to the severe depressant condition. A person starts to feel vomiting, nausea, withdrawal symptoms, coma death, unconsciousness, etc. These all depend on the reaction of the person.
In this case, they should drive with a slow speed or find an alternative route.
Bad pavement could suddenly cause the loss of balance if the drivers went on top of it with a high speed.
This will make them unable to control the direction of their vehicles and most likely lead to Collision.