The sentence that contains a verbal phrase acting as a modifier is: Giving a presentation in front of my class, I suddenly developed sever stage fright.
Modifiers are optional elements in a phrase structure that even when removed, it does not affect the whole grammar of the sentence.
culture affect the hero's in both of the stories, we see an example in black ships before troy where in Achilles culture the person has to be brave and strong to be a hero. you also see it in heart of a samurai where in manjiro's culture you will have to provide for your family to be a hero.
Each student should be given the opportunity to participate in whichever extracurricular activity best suits their desires
<u>The key details that contribute to the irony in the poem are the following:</u>
*The things that are considered no death, are the ones are not breathing or living.
*Even a pebble lies in a roadway, still it never experiences death. *No matter how grasses are cut, they still grow in the same place.
*Brooks, even though its flow is not that much, still you can see it come and go.
*Despite all these things that are not living, they do not fade nor die. But since a human is strong and wise, makes it the reason why it dies.
The irony in Louis Untermeyer's poem is given by the fact that those things that have no awareness of themselves, like pebbles and dust or sand and streams, live forever. Because that which is not alive cannot die. On the contrary, man, who is strong and intelligent, who is aware of himself and all the things around him and wants to live forever, eventually dies.
Is this question multiple choice or just like that? Hope I can help :)