HELLLP!!! You are a doctor treating Phil, a man in his fifties, for lung cancer for more than a year. You have been observing th
at not only are the cancer treatments difficult for Phil physically, but they are taking a toll on his mental health. You would like to prescribe an antidepressant to improve Phil’s mood. If you can help Phil’s mental health, studies have shown that his cancer treatment will likely have a better outcome. You know that Phil is likely object to the medication if you give him the choice. You could give him all the relevant information about the antidepressant prescription without actually asking for his opinion. How would you proceed?
I would sit down and have a conversation with him about what would happen if he does not take the antidepressant prescription and what would happen if he did take it. I would also keep Phil updated on his health because every patient has a right to know whats going on inside their body.