1. deride: to put down or show contempt for a person
2. lambaste : to strongly criticize a person over decisions that have been made
3. scrounge : to beg or borrow things without being
able to pay them back
4. solvent : possessing enough cash to meet debts or expenses
Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Ireland has a mixed economy.
Explanation:that is why
South Carolina led the Secession Movement when they seceded on 20 December 1860.
Answer choices are:
a. Falling production
b. High inflation
c.Low GDP
d.Rising unemployment
Correct answer choice is:
b. High inflation
A period of economic expansion is basically the period in which the economy of any country is boosted from a low level to a high level.<span> B</span><span>usiness activities surges and gross domestic product (GDP) is expanded until it reaches a peak. The productivity of goods and services rises and the production houses are completely supported by the government. The banks are forced to increase the interest rates in order to raise the profit.</span>