Answer: B. Insight
Explanation: Also known as epiphany, an "aha" moment or a "eureka' feeling, insight occurs when a solution to a difficult problem presents itself suddenly, quickly and without warning, usually after several incorrect attempts based on trial and error. As a new way to interpreting problems that immediately yields solutions, insight allows one to be able to see or understand something clearly. Cory therefore has exhibited insight according to psychologists.
Infra- means "below;" so the infrastructure is the "underlying structure" of a country, state, etc. and its economy, the fixed installations that it needs in order to function. These include roads, bridges, dams, the water and sewer systems, railways and subways, airports, and harbors.
I tried, hope this helps :)
I believe that the answer is a
Truck jobber
Teri Bake delivers fresh cakes, breads, pies, and muffins to several small grocery stores in Central Radisova. In addition to delivering baked goods, Teri Bake's employees help the small store owners keep track of what they need to order, and they even remove outdated baked goods from the store shelves. Teri Bake is a truck jobber.
Truck Jobber is basically a merchant wholesaler that carries products to small business customer locations for their inspection and selection. This type of distributor performs primarily a selling and delivery function. They offer quick and frequent delivery which is especially essential for such items as bakery goods, meats and dairy product.
Teri is a truk jobber that frequently delivers bakery goods.
Explanation:Note an important fact from Hank Wisniewski’s answer, which some misguided soul downvoted: the result is not what your teacher presumably wanted. I suspect he wanted you to calculate based on the longitudes (thus the multiples of 15°), and presumably he wanted you to say 16:00.
As Hank says, the longitudes are irrelevant. The Indian time zone (IST) has an offset from UTC of 5½ hours. Japan (JST) has an offset of 9 hours. Neither observe DST. So any part of Japan is always 3½ hours ahead of India, and the correct answer is 15:30.
India can also be at 97° E, and Japan can also be at 129° E. That makes no difference to the time in either place, but the simplistic longitude calculation would give you a time of 14:08 in this case