You can get sickle cell anemia with any blood type you have. The disease is also hereditary so it would have to be in your genetics before it is in your blood. And you might just have the trait. So this is why you cannot determined it by just knowing your blood type.
Plants require many materials name them and how r they obtained?
Plants require so many materials for growth which include nutrient, carbondioxide, adequate temperature, moderate pH, water e.t.c
The nurse should explain the indication why the patient is being given aspirin. The patient has chronic arterial insufficiency of the legs and the patient might have been bedridden. Aspirin is more often than not indicated for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis to prevent pulmonary embolism. The nurse should explain that aspirin is not given for pain but for prophylaxis for a much serious condition. If the patient does not want to take the medication, the patient should not be forced to take the medication; yet the patient should sign a waiver that he does not want to receive medication.