The answer is D. flashback, to give the reader background
information. It is a literary device wherein the author depicts the incident of
specific events to the reader, or events that have happened before the events
that are currently unfolding in the story which have taken place before the
present time the narration is following,.
आपका क्या मतलब है
Aeon ऑटोबायोग्राफी निबंध यदि केवल JDU के पास है
Research is practical and realistic because it is based on the scientific method, which demands that research should be start with an hypothesis, that should be falsifiable (meaning that it can be proven right or wrong), followed by a scientific study in which the hypothesis is tested.
If the hypothesis is proven to be true, it does not mean that is conclusions will hold true for eternity, they could be proven wrong by further studies.
For this reason, research is both practica, because it is based on a practical method: the scientific method, and realistic, because it has a limited scope, and limited, verifiable understanding of reality, and can be proven wrong with other studies.
Third Amendment can be thought of as forming part of a broader conception of privacy in the home that is also protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments