Proliferative phase
Uterine cycle is part of the menstrual cycle in which changes occur in the reproductve female system in order to prepare female on possible pregnacy. Uterine cycle isdivided into three phases:
- Menstrual phase-characterized by the process of menstruation
- Proliferative phase-estogen causes the production of new endomethrium layer (thickening of the endomethrium)
- Secretory phase-characterized by the production of progesteron which prepares endomethrium for the implementation.
i dont know i need points
Órgano que forma parte del aparato digestivo. El estómago ayuda a digerir los alimentos al mezclarlos con jugos digestivos convirtiéndolos en líquido diluido.
20 is the Number of Neutrons of potassium.
Option B, C, D and E
While conducting research on human being, following conditions must be fulfilled
a) The subject must be made aware of the risk and result of the study
b) Subject must be aware of the study objective, time duration and post study impacts
c) Subject must be compensated for any injury caused during the study
d) Informed consent must be taken from the subject
e) The subject must beware of the possible uncontrollable scenarios. Also the test conducted must be testifiable on human being
f) The ill effects of the study can be anticipated if the result obtained are worthy enough
Considering the above facts, option B , C, D and E are unavoidable