Port 443
This is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure that combines the HTTP with a cryptographic protocol, which can be used for payment transactions and other secure transmission of data from Web pages. Whenever you connect to a website beginning with "https://" or you see the lock icon, you’re connecting to that web server over port 443.
Every email address is something like this ... <u>[email protected]</u>
the name after the @ symbol is a domain name that represents the administrative realm for the mail box and the part before the @symbol identifies the name of the mailbox.
<u>twrigley(local portion)</u>@
twrigley is the local portion which indicates to the mail server which mailbox the message is from or to.This portion is only important to gumchewer mail server which is why it is called local.
Operating system
An interrupt is the signal sent to the processor that interrupts the current process. It may be generated by a hardware device or a software program.With each interrupt the CPU hardware does exactly the same thing, which is what enables operating systems to take control of the current user operation.
eye contact with the audience, thorough research, you must give your audience time to ask questions