Categorical Imperative; Immanuel Kant
Kant´s moral theory - influenced by the French Enlightenment Rationalism is based on the central idea that the only intrinsically good thing is a good will which is subject to the moral law.
The Categorical Imperative is his construction of moral law, following the principle of universalizability (applied to all people) and that of humanity - never treat other humans as a means to an and. It is therefore not surprising that Feminism used this part of Kantian Perspective on Ethics to condemn certain practices regarding women, because they treat women as means.
An individual's social identity indicates who they are in terms of the groups to which they belong. Social identity groups are usually defined by some physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals.
D No, because the citizenship requirement is not necessary to achieve a compelling state interest.
Option A is incorrect, because the Tenth Amendment reserves to the states power not granted to the federal government.
Option B is incorrect, because it states the standard that the Supreme Court has applied to primary and secondary school teachers.
Option C is also incorrect, because it states the wrong standard.
Hence, Option D is correct, because a state generally may not discriminate against aliens or foreigners absent a compelling state interest, and no compelling interest is served by prohibiting aliens or foreigners from teaching at a state university.
On this day in 1783, the Continental Congress of the United States officially ratifies the preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain that was signed in November 1782. The congressional move brings the nascent nation one step closer to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.