Firstly, many statistics are taken from a small group of people used to represent the general population. Say a news channel reported that 81% of teenagers in America were planning on going to a four-year college. This statistic is most likely taken from a randomly selected group of teenagers, and calculated with a margin of error. Because after all, it's nearly impossible to survey every single teenager in America. This can lead to some statistics that are not really representative of the actual percentage of people. This only gets more likely the larger the general population being "surveyed" is. Another reason is that the media is not always truthful with statistics. Things can be altered and not many people will notice. Hope this helps!
The surface of the human red blood cell is dominated by a small number of abundant blood group active proteins. The major proteins are the anion transport protein (band 3) which has AB(H) activity, and Glycophorin A which has MN activity.
One plant adaptation you would find would be the ability to store and live off minimal amounts of water.
While doing medical research on the human subject, following limitations are unavoidable:
a). Privacy: The privacy of the subject involved in the research should be maintained.
b). the subject must be allowed to the minimal exposure to risks and it must be tested on animals first to avoid deaths.
c). The risk associated with the physiological and physical well being of the subject must be considered.
d). The subject must be well instructed about all the risk and procedure involved in the research.
This produces medicines that can possibly save the lives of cancer infected patients who otherwise could die.