If your asking for instructions, there are to many, but if your looking for the settings you should be able to find it, it's easy to find. The settings app that comes on hp Windows computers have most of the answers on how to modify and change and fix things on your computer.
The answer is "ifconfig".
The ifconfig. me is indeed a website that shows basic network packets, like IP address, hostname, user agent string. It provides a simple interface that may be queried with the assistance of the command prompt to obtain the required information. The whole function provides the essential information about a certain program's interface.
Except that solid axles do. It have a break in it
You need to explain the entire network layout first.
Bringing on new IT Staff can be time consuming. But depending on the possession you need to explain to them how the domain lay out is.
2 4 9
Basically what I thought was the way was, since 2 is first, then its 1, then since 4 is second, it's added second, lastly to get the last oneI added them all and got 9 so that's third.