Both black holes and neutron stars are corpses of stars that died in catastrophic explosions known as supernovas, outbursts that can make a star briefly outshine all of the other stars in its galaxy. When a star goes supernova, the core of its remains collapses under the strength of its own gravitational pull.
The dialysis bag will remain the same size in a isotonic solution.
Round Mountain is an epithermal, low-sulphidation, volcanic-hosted, hot-springs deposit located along the margin of a buried caldera. The majority of the mineralisation at Round Mountain is contained within the tuffs, although drilling has encountered some ore in the underlying Palaeozoic basement.
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1. Earth is 13 million years older than moon... Moon is 4.53 billion years ago and earth is 4.543 billion years ago.
Much younger than earth.
2.moon has small iron core or lacks sizable iron core.
3 galaxies not considered in solar system bcoz
solar system is the part of milky way galaxy..
4. Hydrogen and helium
5. Venus bcoz it is closest to Sun.
nourish the placenta
The hormone called human placental lactogen (hPL) is a hormone secreted by the placenta, which functions to supply nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus in the womb.
The human placental lactogen is produced to help in the efficient use of ingested food substances in the production of energy (metabolism). This indirectly helps to nourish the placenta because if the mother efficiently converts food into nutrients, the placenta is also adequately nourished.