Face Value = $2,000
Current Price = 2000 x 99.727% = 1994.54
YTM = 6.56%
We can find the coupon rate by a simple formula
Coupon Rate = (Interest / Face value) x 100
We need to find interest first in order to find coupon rate
YTM = Interest / Current price
6.56% x 1994.54 = Interest
130.84 = Interest
Coupon Rate = (130.84 / 2000) x 100
Coupon Rate = 6.54%
"b" is not part of the role of a forester.
b) help stop bank failures throughout the United States.
A bank run can be defined as a situation where bank clients or depositors make withdrawals of their money simultaneously from banks as a result of them being scared or afraid the depository institution will run out of cash (bankruptcy) and become insolvent.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which is also generally referred to as the FDIC was a New Deal program introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 and it was designed to prevent bank failures or bank runs and restore the public's faith in the banking system.
Hence, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established on the 16th of June, 1933 so as to counter or mitigate the problem with bank runs.
Generally, the income generated from the premium payments of insured banks is used to fund or finance the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
Additionally, to avoid bank runs or other financial institutions from being insolvent, the Federal Reserve (Fed) and Central banks (lender of last resort) are readily accessible and available to give monetary funds to these institutions when they're running out of money and as well as regulate their activities.
In conclusion, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established in 1933, during the Great Depression, to help stop bank failures throughout the United States.
<em>Focus Strategy</em>
Focus Strategy <em>is a marketing strategy in which a business focuses its resources on entering or expanding into a narrow segment of the market or industry.</em>
Usually a focus strategy is used where the company knows its section and has products to meet its needs competitively.
Focus strategy is one of three strategies for generic marketing.
False. Different jobs pose different amount of risk. A teacher's job is way less riskier than that of a soldier's.