The answer is D. Explaining the three kinds of different fats - saturated,
unsaturated, and trans fats Hope it helps :3
The story about the Chanticleer and the fox is as old as the tale. The Chanticleer supervised the farmyard, waking everyone when the sun rises. Even thinking that he made it rose. The fox told him he admired his singing in the morning but with the intent of bringing him into the woods to be eaten so his morning singing won't bother other animals again. Fortunately, Chanticleer escaped from the fox's grip.
as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? lol
hope everyone reading this is having a great day
A cultural artifact is a human-made object which gives information about the culture of its creator and users.
Thanks to a project called After Dark which uses robots to broadcast gallery tours via a web feed, people from around the world <em>have </em>the opportunity to visit London's Tate Britain art gallery from the comfort of their homes.