The reactants are the Products of Photosynthesis which is glucose and oxygen.

Cuando los niveles de testosterona están bajos, la hormona liberadora de gonadotrofina (GnRH) es liberada por el hipotálamo que a su vez estimula la glándula pituitaria para liberar LH. Esta última hormona estimula los testículos para sintetizar la testosterona.
quiz on tht i can partake
The first question is B. false, The answer to the second question is stolon.
The water potentials (Ψ) of the cell and its surroundings are the same.
When a cell is kept in hypotonic surroundings such as distilled water, the osmotic movement of water occurs towards the cell. The entry of water makes the cell swell up and it becomes turgid. Water potential is determined by solute and pressure potentials mainly. Here, the solute potential of the cell and the distilled water was different resulting in differences in their respective water potential values which in turn served as a driving force for endosmosis.
When the cell is fully turgid, the solute concentration of the cell and the surrounding distilled water become equal to each other. Under these conditions, the water potential of the cell and distilled water are the same.