The consequences will depend on the type of mutation. For example, if the mutation is synonymous it will not have negative effects on the cell function. On the other hand, if the mutation produces amino acid diversity it may cause loss of function
Primase is an RNA polymerase that adds RNA nucleotides to the complementary DNA strand in order to prepare it for the RNA polymerase III during transcription initiation
This will help our environment by creating a protected area for the species in the area and create more biodiversity. By restoring and creating new ecosystems for plants and animals, you ensure that our environment is healthy and conserve nature.
Cells are a basic unit of life and that without cells you don't exist as a living being. Also, all the other answers have a flaw in them like in question A... not all cells are the same size. For question B and D... not all cells have the same, parts or organelles since for plants they have chloroplast while animals don't. Eukaryotes have membran- bound organelles and a nucleus while... a Prokaryote doesn't etc...
Rhizobium bacteria fix nitrogen after becoming established inside the root nodules of plants(such as legumes)