I can only answer the 1st question.
Both men in these stories faced peer pressure. They were pressured to go against their own beliefs in order to satisfy society's demands.
<span>“No Witchcraft for Sale.” - In this story, Gideon did not bow down to peer pressure. He kept silent and gave the impression of succumbing to the pressure given to him but doing what he wanted to really do. He gave the wrong root to satisfy the demands of the public. He also signified his displeasure by being more formal to his employers and for keeping his silence.
"</span><span>“Shooting an Elephant” - In this story, the police man gave in to the pressure of shooting the elephant not because it is a legal thing to do but because of self-preservation. He doesn't want to appear as a fool to the public that detests him. He preferred to be hailed as the one who shot the elephant than be further jeered as the one who did not shoot the elephant.
Both men did what they did to serve their own purpose. Gideon's way was sticking to his values while the police man sacrificed his own values to ensure an acceptable place in the community he lives in. </span>
I dont actually know the full answer to your question
Adherence to received tradition was so important to all the people in Janie's world because this gives them a sense of belonging and also keeps them away from being resented by their peers.
The community deals withh people who are 'different' by isolating them or spreading rumors about them or slandering them.
'Thier Eyes Were Watching God' is a novel written by Zora Neale Hurston. The novel is centered on the protagonist, Janie Crawford and her quest of self-discovery.
In Janie's world, much adherence is given to the received tradition as this allowed people to define themselves as a part of a community or a group. The received tradition also gives them a sense of belonging to a group or community and also keeps them away from being resented by their peers.
In Janie's society, Blacks did not have traditions of their own but the traditions sanctioned by the white people. In the novel, when Joe and Janie arrived at Eatonville, it had no traditions as the town was just sprouting, but it's traditions were established on white traditions, to which Janie did not adhered.
The community, in conditions when those who do not adhere to received traditions or who are 'different', deal with them by isolating them or slandering them. When Janie did not adhere to the received tradition of how a widowed wife of mayor should behave, she was turned against by townspeople.