A special characteristic of one living creature is to grow, to do metabolic processes to react to adapt and to reproduce.
The purpose of human life is to be aware of the existence, to understand existence, to be responsible and to enjoy.
Why are we chosen to live in this world it is not known. There are theories that RNA plays an important part in this. The process that many forms of life developed through history by mutation and natural selection. And the most common answer to a question why are we here is the simple process of evolution.
There are choices for this question namely:
1. Sterile
2. Reproductive
3. Both
4. Neither
The correct answer is that flowers are a collection of reproductive tissue produced by flowering plants (angiosperms). The flower is a reproductive organ of the plant. It is composed of the male organ (stamen) which produces the pollen and the female organ (ovary) which receives the pollen. Once the ovary receives the pollen either from the same plant or from another through pollination, the ovule (part of the ovary) will then become the seed and the ovary will become the fruit. The seed is the "embryo" of the plant wherein if planted, it will grow to a new plant.
The types of evidence for evolution include
i) Changes in allele frequency over subsequent generations.
ii) When the population in question is examined it does not follow Hardy-Weiberg equilibrium.
iii) Signs of gene flow between populations.
iv) Presence of Sewall-Wright effects or genetic drift in the population.
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via hydrogen bonds; there are two between adenine and thymine and three between cytosine and guanine
one meter is a little bigger than 3 feet