Back up the user data to removable disk
Before you work on a computer, especially anything that has to do with files not accessible, this might need to format the system because it might either be a virus or other forms of malware. Since backup was done to a different logical partition on the disk, the first thing to do before performing any diagnostic procedures on the disk is to back up the user data to a removable disk in order not to lose the information in the system.
Microsoft word? That’s the standard program used but I don’t know if there are special resume programs you learned about.
PI = 3.14
radius = float(input(' Please Enter the radius of a circle: '))
area = PI * radius * radius
circumference = 2 * PI * radius
i srs dont know i am so sorry i forgot but maybe this?
i would say maybe an accountant, entrepreneur, business reporter, or something like that.