Answer: The correct answer to this question is True.
Explanation: As of this writing, the Affordable Care Act still has an individual mandate in effect. Each American must purchase their own health care and an employee with a certain amount of employees must offer affordable insurance.
The new president has taken away the tax penalty for those that did not purchase health insurance. There is a website from the ACA that does offer several affordable plans to those who want health insurance.
The words of Thomas Paine in the pamphlet were enough to keep the revolution going and muster the troops under George Washington’s command in 1776. In 1777, when they were suffering heavy losses due to the winter at Valley Forge, it was loyalty to the Patriot cause and to George Washington while training and doing drills that kept the troops busy and allowed for them to leave Valley Forge in 1778 more disciplined and spirited.
I believe it was the significant drop in temperature that caused the Ice Age.