Deja vu I believe because deja vu is the experience of the same thing over again
Sensitization refers o the process in which, following prolonged exposure to the same dosage of a specific physiological, behavioral, or neuronal response increases over time. In simplest terms, it means giving somebody any experience or awareness of a specific issue or situation so they can quickly find it and understand it. As per the question, the illness of Sarah's grandmother led her to feel sensitize about the health of other family members.
The wealth of East African city-states was based on Trade.
A vital part of a child's progression (Social stage)
The best way for any child to learn in a developmental stage is through play which can be termed as a social stage. At this stage, a child can learn social skills (problem solving skills, conflict resolution, decision making) and academical knowledge as well can be acquired through play which is very vital for child development.
It’s called a City-state ?