b) False
This statement is false one because while making a decision there are numerous factors involved, for example:
Initiator: The person who after processing some information about a product, watching an ad etc, initiates the task of buying it.
Influencer: Person who influence the initiator further processing.
Decider: Person who decides that the particular products should be bought.
Purchaser: Person who actually go to the market and purchase that product.
User: Person who actually use that product.
In above all of the described roles, it could be one single person who perform all the tasks, or it could be 2 to 5 different persons involved and each one performing the separate role. So, there are 5 roles involved in an actual buying process, here family role comes that it is obvious that much roles are involved, any single role can be performed by any of his or her family member, therefore, family influence is there in a purchase decision, somehow or other.
A. make sure your goals are ethically sound
Clotilde did not verify the information she got from her vegetarian aunt that claimed that meat consumption was the number one cause for cancer in the United States and she went ahead to use such unverified information in a speech.
She violated one guideline for ethical speaking which is that she did not make her speech ethically sound as it contained the opinion of a person but was said in such a way that her listeners would take it as an established fact.
Because of Clotilde's carelessness, she has misinformed sections of the public which goes against the ethic of public speech.
arson,kidnapping and murder
A.) Entitled not only to be paid for additional time but also to be paid overtime if she works more than forty hours in a week.
The Fair Labor standards Act of 1938 is US labour law that deals with the right to minimum wage and overtime pay if people work for over 40 hours in a weeks. It also prohibits organisations from employing the minors . The law is applicable to the employees that are employed by enterprises active in commerce of production.
FLSA was written by senator Hugo Black in 1932 but his proposal could not met with resistance in 1937. A revised version of his proposal was passed in 1938 that accepted forty hour workweek and the labours could earn wages for overtime. According to its provisions the workers would be paid minimum wage and the overtime pay should be one and a half times the regular pay.
Franklin D Roosevelt considered this act as one of the most important pieces of New Legislation.
They lived together in good conditions, and only the parents worked on the farm.