a. Power cycle the printer.
Power Cycle: To unplug the printer and restart it, is called power cycling. The peripheral devices often tend to stop working and the cause of this is not always easily figured out. So the first and easiest way that can be done to fix this issue is to run a power cycle. For this, you have to turn off the printer and unplug it. Then wait for a few seconds (at least 30) and plug in the printer again. Turn the printer on. Power cycle helps to resolve many basic issues. It is the easiest step to take before checking the printer cable, reinstalling printer or resetting the print spooler.
Answer: in solution.
It is basically 194 divided by 11 since we are evenly grouping 194 seeds into 11 pots. This gives 17.636363…
This means that the best estimate is around that number.
ayo fam
I dont think this is supposed to be here lol
if ..else is the conditional statement which is used to check the condition is true or not, if the condition is true that execute the particular statement and if not it moves to else part for execution.
if condition is more than two we can use continuous if else statement
}else if(condition)
In the code:
The value of the input is 5.
first it goes to if part and check condition if 5 > 5, condition false it equal to 5 not greater than 5.
it then moves to else if part and check condition if 5 > 2, condition is true,
it execute the code inside the else if part. so, input_value become
5+10 which 15.
after that, program control terminate the if else statement it does not check further.
The recursive function would work like this: the n-th odd number is 2n-1. With each iteration, we return the sum of 2n-1 and the sum of the first n-1 odd numbers. The break case is when we have the sum of the first odd number, which is 1, and we return 1.
int recursiveOddSum(int n) {
if(2n-1==1) return 1;
return (2n-1) + recursiveOddSum(n-1);
To prove the correctness of this algorithm by induction, we start from the base case as usual:

by definition of the break case, and 1 is indeed the sum of the first odd number (it is a degenerate sum of only one term).
Now we can assume that
returns indeed the sum of the first n-1 odd numbers, and we have to proof that
returns the sum of the first n odd numbers. By the recursive logic, we have

and by induction,
is the sum of the first n-1 odd numbers, and 2n-1 is the n-th odd number. So,
is the sum of the first n odd numbers, as required: