Discontinuous variation is when a trait is seen in a population in two or more different forms and there is no continuation along a gradient. A good example that Mendel studied is flower color. The flowers were either white or purple. There was no in between color. This is caused by an allele for purple or a lack of an allele for purple, which produces no pigment, or white.
La ingestión es la introducción de la comida en el aparato digestivo al servicio de la alimentación o de la hidratación, y en la forma que nos es más familiar se realiza a través de la boca.
El "bocado" o pieza alimentaria que se incorpora debe tener dimensiones mayores a las moléculas para denominarse ingestión.
AquAdvantage salmon is a genetically modified Atlantic salmon to increase size, in which producing a larger yield of food and resources.
Hope this helps!
The element has 7 protons and 9 neutrons.
Have a nice day! :)
Her condition is referred to as endometriosis. The endometriosis is a repeatedly sore condition in which soft tissue that usually lines in the inner part of the uterus which is the endometrium develops at the outer part of the uterus and most usually includes the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the soft tissue in inside layer of the pelvis.