Some of the characteristics of renaissance peope would inclue a love for learning and the fine arts. Italy's cities most likely became the birthplace of the renaissance becuase it had many busltling cities that had a lot of trade, so ideas were spread that way. The last question would be that some church leaders and wealthy people were for the arts and helped sponsor it but other church leaders were against it and tried to censor people even burning people at the stake becuase they beleieved the earth was round, which was considered hereticla at the time.
The Central Powers consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
The Alliance Powers consisted of Serbia, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, and the United States.
Na geografia<span> da </span>Antiguidade<span>, especialmente em fontes </span>romanas<span>, </span>Dácia<span> era o nome dado à região habitada pelos </span>dácios<span> (ou </span>getas<span>, como eram conhecidos pelos </span>antigos gregos<span>), um ramo dos </span>trácios<span> que vivia a norte dos </span>Bálcãs.<span>A Dácia tinha como suas fronteiras meridionais o </span>rio Danúbio<span> - Istro (</span>Istros<span>), nas fontes gregas) - ou, em sua maior extensão, o </span>Monte Hemo<span> (em </span>latim<span>: </span>Haemus Mons<span>), atual cordilheira dos Bálcãs. A </span>Mésia<span> (</span>Dobrogea<span>), uma área a sul do Danúbio, era o centro da região onde os getas viviam e interagiam com os antigos gregos. A leste, tinha como fronteiras naturais o </span>Ponto Euxino<span> (</span>Mar Negro) e o rio Danastro (Danastris<span>, atualmente </span>Dniester), citado nas fontes gregas como Tiras (Tyras<span>). Diversos povoados dácios foram </span>
Barabbas will be your answer
he was a thief and murderer(?)
Slavery was finally ended, the south because an industrial area, it was determined states couldn't leave union, and about one hundred men died, and sectional rivalry ended