Huh English please then I can help
so inflations refers to the rise in the prices of goods and services which of daily, including goods and services such as clothings, transport and all those.
people who earn an average and depend entirely on savings will suffer, even subsistence farmers and mainly everyone, but mostly are people who depend entirely on savings, as prices rise, spending rises, reducing savings.
someone with savant syndrome.
Savant syndrome: The disorder savant syndrome is defined as a condition in which a person has significant or notable mental disabilities describes few abilities moreover average. A person having savant syndrome excel in skills mostly related to memory, for example, artistic ability, map making, rapid calculation, musical ability.
Out of ten, one person with autism carry savant skills.
In the question above, Alexandra is likely someone with savant syndrome.
Answer: propaganda is based on supposition of malleability of human nature. In late 19th century there were many theories (psychology of masses, i.e.Gustav Le Bon or Italian sociology of elites, i.e. Vilfredo Pareto, Mosca etc etc.) which propounded idea of malleabilty of human nature and human psyche. The same can be said about psychoanalysis. The result of that was use of propaganda in 1930s and 1940s (press, radio), establishmemt of ministries of propaganda etc etc. The impact was only short-lived because the intention was to monopolize public space, immunize some social theories and produce closed society.
Explanation: propaganda contradicts idea of democracy. Democracy requires plurality of thoughts, ideas, patterns, behaviour, attitudes, free circulation of all that. Democracy requires open society.
When put against the wind
Dunes form when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle. Dunes grow as grains of sand accumulate. Every dune has a side that faced the wind, and a side that is protected from the wind.