Pioneer species is the general name for the first organisms to move into a disturbed environment or to grow after a volcanic eruption covers an area with lava.
Hope it helps!
Answer is A. A population becomes separated by environmental factors into two groups that do not reproduce with one another.
When a population of a species become geographically separated then gene flow between them stops. Over a period of time, the population may become genetically different in response to the natural selection due to different environments. Selection and genetic drift will act differently on these two separated populations. This will results into two separate species. This type of speciation is called allopatric speciation.
Viscosity is the only one that doesn’t affect the temperature at which magma forms
Answer: Las orugas, larvas de mariposas y polillas, se alimentan casi exclusivamente de plantas. La mayoría de las orugas mastican felizmente las hojas, aunque algunas se alimentan de otras partes de la planta, como semillas o flores, mientras que durante la etapa de adulto, la mariposa se alimenta de néctar y pasa de ser un herbívoro a ser un importante polinizador.
See the answer below
In the case of cardiovascular diseases, the main causes are sedentary lifestyle, stress, nutrition (consumption of junk food and low consumption of high-fiber foods), diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight. In the case of poor nutrition, it happens that the increase in cholesterol that we call "bad" LDL occurs and the "good" HDL cholesterol that is protective and sweeps the bad that covers the blood vessels is not increased. Taking into account diabetes, the excess glucose produced in the body, glycosylates the LDL particle, which also obstructs the passage of blood flow through the vessels.