They are not something that you prevent from being made in your body. They are automatically made when you eat food that is not automatically converted into calories. This is used for energy later on for you body.
But too much of triglycerides is bad for you. This condition is called hypertriglyceridemia. Your doctor can detect if you have this condition by simply running a lipid panel (a blood test) that measures your overall cholesterol, you LDL and HDL cholesterol, and also measuring your triglycerides.
If you do take this test, they will make you fast for about 8 hours. They make you do this because triglycerides are usually lowest after you fast but goes up really high after a big meal (like a Thanksgiving Dinner!).
(Extra: your triglycerides are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) and if your levels are:
BELOW 150 -----------------Healthy
150-199 -----------------------Borderline
200-499 ---------------------High
500+ --------------------------Very High
Most people are under 200, so in the end, you don't have to worry about your triglyceride levels.
You can read more about it here:
Question is which is NOT a good technique.
Answer is "B" and here's why:
A) Clear questions -- good. People understanding the question will answer accurately.
C) Large sample size -- good. Answers will be more accurate with more people asked (like if you flip a coin 1,000 times its going to be closer to 50% heads than if you only flipped it twice)
D) Random sample -- good. Avoids your own bias in choosing who to ask.
B) Push poll -- bad. Pretends to be unbiased, the pollster's real objective is to get a person thinking in a way that is to their advantage. Some political candidates do this just before elections.
False in lunar eclipse the shadow is cast on the sun