<span>The ecosystem is the lowest level of the biosphere hierarchy to include weather patterns and soil conditions.
in the whole biosphere hierarchy, ecosystem actually placed as the second highest (1 place below biosphere)
But there are only 2 hierarchy that include weather and soils, and those hierarchies are biosphere and ecosystem. So technically the ecosystem will be the lowest in this matter</span>
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that there are various reasons for the placement of this, most of the reasons include,
- To prevent or reduce sensitivity and discomfort of the prepared tooth & surrounding structures
- To protect the margins of the preparation
- To maintain the function & esthetics of the tooth
- To prevent shifting of adjacent or opposing teeth
D - birth control is the most widely accepted method
It is threatening the Arctic Tundra Biomes By Melting The Ice....Love
the brain is the only place you wil find brain nurons and when a person is in a coma the brain is not running at a fast alert as it would if u where awake the brain is working at a really slow alert speed becuase u wont be able to jus shake and wake a person out of a coma becuase the brains nurons are working slow