The 49th parallel north as a border between the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (to the north), and the U.S. states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota (to the south)
legislative advocacy -
legislative advocacy -
It is defined as discussions which are based on modification of any bill.
It is assurance given to particular set of groups about their rights by making discussion with policy maker and legislator. The simple way to legislative advocacy is to contact with policy maker involves in particular bill by requesting them to vote for specific bill.
Answer:Tissue engineering, labeled as the 21st century's number one hottest work by, holds tremendous promise for medicine and chronic disease and condition care. Familiar issues such as the body's rejection of foreign tissue, the extreme shortage of organ donors, and the inefficiency of artificial devices can be solved with tissue engineering. This cutting-edge biotechnology, however, has already created intense controversy over the ethics and morality of spare human parts.
To defeat communism was his main reasoning.