The answer is St. John’s Wort
It is a flowering plant whose flowers are used to make liquid extracts, pills, and teas that are popular as a herbal therapy that can be used to ease symptoms of depression. However, it has been discredited as no more effective than a placebo
theoretical bridge
In the field of psychology, the theoretical bridge helps to connect between the personality dimension of the interests as well as the psychological variables that can be used to help explain the personality of an individual using the physiological concepts.
The statements referring to the traits of the individual are connected to the psychological reactions in response to the stimuli which are used as a theoretical bridge when the personality psychologists speaks about physiology.
gorillas most live in AFRICA and ASIA
but major gorillas live in Africa
<span>What is the significance of the dawn attack to militants / insurgents Indonesia / international is that the question?
<span>Top, diperkirakan telah mendalangi serangkaian serangan bom yang menewaskan ratusan orang sejak tahun 2002, telah menyatakan dirinya pemimpin al-Qaedas di Asia Tenggara.</span>