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It was in direct opposition to the civilizations below:
A. Ancient Rome
B.Ancient Greece
The heliocentric theory of solar system places the sun at the center of the universe. This was in direct opposition with Geocentric theory model promoted during the Ancient Greece and Roman period.
This theory places the earth at the center of the universe due to the fact that, the sun tends to revolve around the earth once a day (when viewed from any part of the world) and earth seems to be unmoving from the perspective of those observers.
It was Copernicus who propounded the heliocentric theory of the solar system that supersedes this Geocentric system after so many centuries.
all of these questions can be asked
While some of these questions may need rephrasing they are reasonable to be asked by an interviewer as the <u>first statement specifies the heavy physical needs of the job</u> and the rest of the statements are appropriate for the job offered,
<u>The candidate will need to prove their physical ability to handle the job and as such the questions can be reasonably asked of them</u> if they are applying for a job with such heavy physical workload.
Recesses, especially for the elementary students, are to time for them to take breaks and eat their snacks to make them last within a certain duration without having to deal with empty stomachs. During the late afternoon, the duration from lunch was already very long. This would make students go hungry and further, out of focus.
The challenging behavior would strongly suggest the principal to bring back the recesses. If not all then, maybe only that on the afternoon.