More processed ingredients
if it's fat free, you have to have a supliment for it.
A. It is the most massive part of the atom.
C. Positive Feedback
This is because a response to a stimulus( low blood pressure) acts in the same direction as the stimulus ( even lower blood pressure).
This is opposed to negative feedback where the response would go in the operate direction of the stimulus ( I.e. blood pressure increasing in response to low blood pressure)
A person that is Hyperglycemia has a high blood pressure causing problems, iv help maintain people blood sugar if u use a normal iv it might cause a high blood pressure can cause blood clot to form in your arteries leading to the brain blocking blood flow causing a stroke. I hope this helps
Answers. The lock-and-key model portrays an enzyme as conformationally rigid and able to bond only to substrates that exactly fit the active site. The induced fit model portrays the enzyme structure as more flexible and is complementary to the substrate only after the substrate is bound.