By default the normal style inserts a vertical space equal to 1.5 size vertical lines between each line of text.
Answer: packets
Network navigation devices, such as routers, help data travel in bundles that are referred to as packets. As, networks that transfer the data in small packets are known as packet switching network and that packets carry the data using the internet and the protocol and each of the packet contain some information and data to navigate.
The following code is written in Java and it simply creates the 2-Dimensional int array with the data provided and then uses the Arrays class to easily print the entire array's data in each layer.
import java.util.Arrays;
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] arr = {{16, 17, 14}, {17, 18, 17}, {15, 17, 14}};
System.out.print(Arrays./*Remove this because brainly detects as swearword*/deepToString(arr));
The expression is :
π[cd) + π(g,h) ],[π(e,f)+π(a,b)])
We will use foreign key and primary key