Given this information, Ritufa Food Corp.'s operations strategy is based on mass customization
Mass customization is a technique used in marketing and manufacturing that mixes the custom-made products' flexibility and made-to-order benefits with the mass production which is typically associated with cheaper, mass production. marketing and manufacturing technique which combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-made products with the low unit costs associated with mass production.
Here the Ritufa Food Corp tailors its product according to the customers' requests regardless of the quantity.
The term that could be best described as the way that Kevin is thinking is a social comparison. Social comparison is being defined as a way of individual's determine his or her social worth in which could be based from how the person stack against other people in which we could see how Kevin felt better after finding out that Samantha was struggling more than him.
Before the renaissance most people went into towns because that is where the markets were. So they could get clothing, shelter, food etc