B)Cyclins regulate the timing of cell cycle
Abiotic factors such as latitude and temperature can impact biotic aspects of food web structure like the number of species, the number of links, as well as the proportion of basal or top species. These biotics factors can in turn influence network-structural aspects like connectance, omnivory levels or trophic level. In this way, plants make, or produce, the beginnings of most of the food energy on Earth. This is why plants are called producers. They use some of the food energy to carry out their own functions, and store the rest of the energy in their leaves, stems, roots and other parts.
b. pseudocoelom
A pseudocoelom is a false body cavity of some invertebrates which occupies the space localized between the mesoderm and the endoderm of the gut. This false cavity is found in nematodes.
Arthropods exhibit:
1- Bilateral symmetry because both opposite sides of the body are similar,
2- they are protostomes because the blastopore becomes the mouth during embryonic development,
3- they have true tissues because tissues are formed by groups of cells which share a common function, and finally,
4-arthropods are triploblastic because they are formed by three germ embryonic layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm).