I would say at least banks and credit unions.Membership requirements could include such things as having significant assets to open a certain type of account, having accounts in other branches, being willing to have a certain prescribed amount of membership shares such as at some credit unions.
down below
score = input() # gets student's score input
max = input() # gets max number
percent = (score/max)*100 # multiply by a hundred to get percentage
if percent > 52: # checks if percent is greater than 52
print("well dont you have at least a grade 5")
else # if percent is less than or equal to 52 it will print this instead
print("Unlucky, you need to revise more for the next test.")
make sure you indent/tab the print statements or else you'll get an error
Some softwares by microsoft or windows maybe :)
Remember, an algorithm in simple words means a set of instructions or steps to be followed in other to solve a problem.
Note, to decide which commute is cheaper, it means the output of the algorithm should be the cheaper way to commute.
Using pseudocode do the following;
- determine the inputs and outputs of the problem
- arrange the identified problem into micro-tasks
- describe each micro-tasks in the pseudocode
- Test the pseudocode by solving the problem.