La respuesta es China. China, obviamente, sin pensar mucho, es muy trabajador y no es una sorpresa que fueron los primeros en exportar
Yes that would be possible. You can look at this problem from a purely non-partisan viewpoint. You can try to understand why some people would think differently and you can learn their viewpoints and know what they are even though you don't agree with them. You can also present those viewpoints without any emotional involvement.
In Pavlov's study, a dog salivates to the sound of a tone because the tone
has been regularly associated with the delivery of food. in this case,
the tone is called a <span>conditioned stimulus.
</span><span>The Russian scientist Pavlov showed that the dogs were demonstrating classical conditioning.</span>
John Watson later showed that the same happens in humans.
I believe it would be C because there was las casas who saw the torture of the NAtives and in order to see that, he had to sail with Columbus.
Answer: he tries to create a crazy island.