The effect of social media on democracy is changing the public mindset about political parties.
- Social media is a platform that reflects the core of society.
- It gives more people a voice and a chance to discuss the issue and to be heard.
- social media can reach easily to the public and spreads all the information about the particular topic.
- It is one advantage of democracy.
- The disadvantage is it changes the people's mindset and it can reflect during the election pool.
- There are many examples of this disadvantage.
- These platforms are terrific for democracy.
To be good. It’s just you and me, two women alone in the world, June darling of my heart; we have enough troubles getting by, we surely don’t need a single one more, so you keep your sweet self out of fighting and all that bad stuff. People can be little-hearted, but turn the other cheek, smile at the world, and the world will surely smile back.” June, although she does not hit June, tease June, or affect her like the other June does because of other mother's words.In trying to avoid trouble, June refuses to seek help; she never tells her teachers or even her mother about her problem with the Other June (lines 90–91). The mother's advice is to avoid trouble, not to avoid help (lines 20–25).
The interaction pattern that occurs when group members take turns talking is known as round robin.
Communication processes and interaction patterns are basic social psychology. they're the parts of social interactions that influence the behavior and attitudes of group members. As a method, communication involves the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver.
Round-Robin is a great tool for having your team generate concepts, while not being influenced unduly by others within the group. This ensures that everybody on your team gets an equal say within the concepts that you just generate.
To learn more about Round robin here
option b : based on birth
In the ancient times, the emphasis was given on to blood line. if the person was born in a wealthy household, he/she would ultimately be subjected to a lot of power.