Basketball, I choose basketball because it has jump shots. The body parts that move in a jump shot in basketball is the legs, arms, and feet.
You can use volleyball or basketball. I say you can use volleyball or basketball because in volleyball you have to jump when spiking but jumping when uu spike is optional but most players jump when spiking. You can use basketball because they do jump shots in basketball but they do jump when they shoot that's why it's called a jump shot.
When attempting a jump shot, I use my eyes, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, hips, legs, ankles, and feet. I even use my sense of touch to know how tightly to grip the ball. I think my eyes are the most important part. The second that I take my eyes off the rim, I tend to miss my shot. Using your eyes gives you something to aim for. Your eyes stay the same throughout the entire process.
This is false, because they do provide calories (actually a lot), but do not have nutritional value. They are "empty" in nutrients, hence the name "empty calories."