The Boston massacre was more a less a riot with people throwing snowballs filled with ice or rocks at British soldiers. the crowd antagonizing them to fire when 1 man (Who was behind captain Prescott and a citizen) Yelled "Fire!" the soldiers were weary then a snowball full of ice struck a soldier and he
fired on accident causing the whole regiment to fire on the crowd, thinking they where following orders. The trial had proved this with Attorney John Adams. even though his cousin, Samuel Adams was the leader of the patriotic group called The Sons of Liberty. The trial proved Prescott innocent and cleared all the names of his men... That sums it all up off the top of my head. Have a nice day!
Americans hated President Hoover. They believed that he was the source of all of their misfortune. To top off their hatred, Hoover refused to get the government involved in kickstarting the economy.