Her comment is best on the hindsight bias. This type of bias
is known as the knew-it-all-along by which the after the event has occurred,
the person was able to determine and see the events or the individual were able
to predict the event that had occurred before it could even happen.
5 people
Ivan Steiner who is a psychologist stressed about Team productivity.
Team productivity can be regarded as a measure of activities which is been carried out for quality output during in a particular amount of time. It entails setting up satisfaction of team members as well as providing all the necessary tools that is needed to perform the tasks with great efficiency.
It should be noted that the According to psychologist Ivan Steiner, team productivity peaks at about 5 people team members. People become less motivated and group coordination becomes more difficult after that size
John Hospers argues that most if not all, human behavior is motivated by complex psychological factors that humans can't control. Therefore, humans cannot act differently than they do, they are not responsible for their actions, and they can't be held morally accountable for them.
Mary Daly was a radical feminist. She described herself as lesbian radical feminist. She taught women studies in Boston college and did not allow male students in her class. Androcentrism, women's liberal movement were governed by her.
John Hospers was a philosopher and psychologist who studied human behavior and identified several psychological and emotional factors control human behavior. He told that humans are not responsible and accountable for their behavior because it is fully psychologically driven.
Answer: D
Soon after the death of the prophet Muhammad, there were military expeditions, called "futuhat," or literally "openings," into what is now Egypt and other parts of North Africa.