This is because when you want to dissect a pig, it's back is place on a dissecting tray and it's belly side is up which is the ventral side. With the ventral side, dissection will be easy and the major organs and systems can be observed easily as they will be rightly viewed because they are obvious and rightly placed at belly side up.
1. A. Pseudomonas and E. coli
2. B. Red without black center
3. B. Salmon/orange
Pseudomonas is referred to as an oxidase positive bacteria while E. Coli is an oxidase negative bacteria. The use of the oxidase test will be helpful in the differentiation of the two Bacteria according to their oxidase activity/properties.
Colonies of Red without black center color is what is expected on HE agar if shigellosis is suspected.
Colonies of Salmon/Orange color is what is expected on HE agar if Enterococcus sp. is suspected.
Transcription and translation The information stored in a gene's DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus during the transcription process. During protein synthesis, translation is the process of converting the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a sequence of amino acids. The genetic code describes the relationship between the base pair sequence in a gene and the amino acid sequence that it encodes.
<span>Fatty Acid- consists of a straight chain of an even # of carbon atoms, w/ hydrogen atoms along the length of the chain and at one end of the chain & a carboxyl group at the other end of it. I hoped this helped!</span>