word form: One hundred three million seven hundred twenty seven thousand four hundred and ninety five.
expanded form: 100,000,000+3,000,000+700,000+20,000+7,000+400+90+5.
His commission is simply: $15,000 x 0.04 = $600
The answer is 60 it was easy
f(x) = -34x + 320
Step-by-step explanation:
In the figure attached, the graph of the data and the options are shown.
We can see from the graph that the best fit line for the data would have a negative slope (as x values increase, y values decrease) and a positive y-intercept (the y value at x = 0). The only option that satisfies these two criteria is f(x) = -34x + 320
60 divided by 5 is 12 so it would take him 12 minutes to complete the line