These two men seated at the table represent the Irish , with top hat and vest, and German (smoking pipe and drinking german beer) inmigrants in the 1800s in the US. The cartoon refers to the 1882's Chinese Exclusion Act, which was the first American law preventing the inmigration of an specific ethnic/national group. This can be apreciated in the "New Declaration of indepence" at the back of the cartoon.
The legend in the bottom ("If the Yankee Congress can keep the yellow man out, what is to hinder them from calling us green and keeping us out too?") refers to the raising fear in Irish and German groups of facing the same fate of Chinese inmigrants. This let us know American attitude towards inmigrants who weren't seen as equals and were discrimitated for their origins and skin color.
I think it was 1865 which is d pls give me brainliest answer
The correct answer for immigrant women who married a man that was already in America is “picture bride”
The term refers to women who migrated to America to marry men they only knew in photographs
They were more than 20,000 women who, from 1908 to 1924, traveled from Japan to America to become brides after their families have chosen their mates. This happened because after the Gentleman’s Agreement was put into action in 1907, men found it difficult to find wives, so the Picture Bride practice became a popular mechanism in which a male laborer was able to marry, and Japanese women would be able to immigrate to America.
Process: Men in The United States sent pictures back to their home countries in order to find a bride. Family members used these photos to try to find wives for men who sent them. And once the bride's name was entered into her husband's family registry, the marriage was considered official in Japan, and she was eligible for travel documents to the United States.