If you would like to calculate 57 divided by 8, you can do this using the following steps:
57 divided by 8:
57 / 8 = 7 1/8 = 7.125
The correct result would be 7 1/8 or 7.125.
It is known that 1 pint equals 16 ounces
Step-by-step explanation:
It is known that 1 pint equals 16 ounces. Then we use this data to transform a number of ounces into pints.
Suppose we have x ounces. We want to know how many pints are these x ounces. Then we perform the following operation

Where z pints is the amount equivalent to x ounces
The asnwer is the first one:
Step-by-step explanation:
You do this
x = 3.242424242424
100x = 324.24242424242424242424
= 329/99
3 8/33