Yellow flower color (Y) is dominant over white flower color (y). Plant A is YY while plant B is yy:
YY x yy
Yy Yy Yy Yy
All the offspring would have Yy genotype and since Y is dominant over y, all of them will have yellow flower color as opposed to while.
<em>Hence, the percentage of the offspring that will have a yellow flower would be </em><em>100%.</em>
<span>Because the left ventricle has a stronger muscular wall than the right ventricle?</span>
<span>Franklin was responsible in getting sets of high-resultion images of crystalline DNA strands which can make out conclusions about its fundamental structures and the groups that consist the genetic material. frankin through her works disproved that women are mere distractions from work and stress. </span>
Nitrogen is an important nutrient for all plant cells, and it is component of the chlorophyll found in leaves. Which of the following statements best describes how nitrogen is absorbed and distributed to the leaves of the plant so that photosynthesis can take place?
Nitrogen is absorbed by the roots and distributed upwards through the xylem
Nitrogen are gotten from the ground by the plants before it is transported through xylem to the stem and then the leaves