Many students reported a loveless childhood, coupled with humiliation and degradation by school staff. Hunger, poor nutrition, and repetitive food items were common complaints. As one student remembered: “I was always hungry.
The people of Sumer are among the earliest denizens of Mesopotamia. By about 4000 BCE, the Sumerians had organized themselves into several city-states that were spread throughout the southern part of the region. These city-states were independent of one another and were fully self-reliant centers, each surrounding a temple that was dedicated to god or goddess specific to that city-state. Each city-state was governed by a Priest King.
King Sennacherib ruled the area of Assyria from 705 B.C. to 681 B.C. He was basically known for building beautiful places and loved to develop places and to extend them.
He also developed walls in the inner and outer parts of the city which would stand straight and strong for years together. He mostly built these projects in the city of Nineveh. He also designed the system of water distribution and planned new streets.